Pedals and such by Mihai "FiveseveN" Florea. Tools of sonic obliteration with a focus on flexibility and novelty.
16 voice preamplifier
- analog signal path with digital control
- pre- and post-distortion EQ
- clean blend with independent EQ
- 5—50 presets with color coding
- MIDI support for all 25 parameters
- progressive web app editor
Quick reference (PDF)
Video demo (YouTube)
- pristine clean with additional EQ
- 3 levels of classic diode clipper
- 5 levels of cascaded CMOS distortion
- 2 levels of poweramp fuzz/distortion
- comparator squarewave fuzz
- BJT fuzz with large bias excursion
- 3 levels of clangy octave fuzz
250 € + shipping
Production run planned for March '25.