DEFECT Products
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Pedals and such by Mihai "FiveseveN" Florea. Mostly dirt boxes with an emphasis on novelty and flexibility, devoid of obsolete technology and magical components. Made to order, built by hand in a state of the art corner of my apartment.



16 voice preamplifier

  • analog signal path with digital control
  • pre- and post-distortion EQ
  • clean blend with independent EQ
  • 5—50 presets with color coding
  • MIDI support for all 25 parameters
  • progressive web app editor
  • pristine clean with additional EQ
  • 3 levels of classic diode clipper
  • 5 levels of cascaded CMOS distortion
  • 2 levels of poweramp fuzz/distortion
  • comparator squarewave fuzz
  • BJT fuzz with large bias excursion
  • 3 levels of clangy octave fuzz
250 € + shipping
Indiegogo preorder campaign coming soon


2 channel preamplifier / distortion

The CMOS flavor section from the Infinity in a compact format, with many options on DIP switches and trim pots.



Some examples of one-offs I’ve built over the years

Doom Fuzz Fuzz and boost Attenuator Attenuator 2 channel boost Buffer/boost MIDI controller Preamplifier


DEFECT on Facebook, YouTube

Drop me an e-mail for preferred shipping options, custom finishes and builds, consultancy et cetera: